Can I get faster delivery?

Since our items are placed in more than three different countries, on different continents, we cannot guarantee faster delivery of a particular item. But we are always open to discussion and individual terms where possible.

Why don’t you accept returns?

We are always ready to discuss all conditions individually, but in order to keep our prices (which already include worldwide shipping + our work on the restoration of the item) we simply can’t afford additional expenses of our resources.
On our part, just before the item is shipped, we shoot a detailed video showing the condition of the item and how it works. We take responsibility for the item and its condition as described immediately prior to shipment. Upon receipt, you must take responsibility for the safety of the item. This is the only way we will be a good team 🤝

I have another question

We are always ready to answer all your questions directly on the website support (bottom right corner), in our social media or through the contact form here